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Produkt zum Begriff Network:

  • Yealink Network Yealink CPN10
    Yealink Network Yealink CPN10

    Die Yealink PSTN Box kann in Kombination mit dem IP Konferenztelefon CP860 verwendet werden. Mit dieser PSTN-Box CPN10 kann das Yealink CP860 die Konferenzen unterstützen, die auf SIP-Protokoll und PSTN basieren. Mittlerweile bietet die CP860 HD-Audioqualität, eingebaute 3 Mikrofonanordnungen, Full-Duplex-Technologie, akustische Echokompensationstechnologie sowie tolle Anrufbehandlungsfunktionen wie USB-Aufzeichnung, Anbindung an Mobiltelefone oder PCs. So können Sie bequem Ihre Konferenzschaltung ausführen mit ausgezeichneter Sprachqualität.> Highlights- USB Anrufaufzeichnung- Keine zusätzliche Leistung erforderlich- Einfache Handhabung- Kompatibel mit dem Yealink IP Konferenz Telefon CP860- Kaskadierung von zwei CPN10 möglich- Verknüpfung zu Smartphones und Computern möglich> Produkttyp- Endgeräte Zubehör- ear-Kategorie (ElektroG): irrelevant> Versand- WEEE: 18291819> Grundeigenschaften- Farbe: Schwarz- Höhe: 73 mm- Länge/Tiefe: 15 mm- Breite: 48 mm> Lieferumfang- Yealink CPN10 PSTN Box für CP860:- PSTN Box CPN10- 3 m PSTN Kabel- Doppelseitiges Klebeband- Schnellstart AnleitungKompatibel zu: Yealink CP860

    Preis: 24.40 € | Versand*: 6,99 €
  • Yealink Network Yealink CAM50
    Yealink Network Yealink CAM50

    Erleben Sie erstklassige Videoqualität und einfache Handhabung mit der Yealink CAM50 IP-Telefonkamera. Verwandeln Sie Ihr Yealink SIP-T58V/SIP-T58A IP-Telefon in Sekundenschnelle in eine Desktop-Videokonferenzlösung. Einfach einstecken und loslegen – keine zusätzliche Software erforderlich. Genießen Sie interaktive Zusammenarbeit und anpassbaren Kamerawinkel für lebendige und immersive Videoanrufe. Die ideale Lösung für effektive Videokommunikation direkt von Ihrem Schreibtisch aus.> Highlights- 2 Megapixel HD-Videokamera- Kompatibel zu Yealink SIP-T58V/SIP-T58A IP-Telefonen- Auflösung von bis zu 720p bei 30 Bildern pro Sekunde- Einfach zu installieren, Plug and Play- Verstellbar und mit Sichtschutzblende> Produkttyp- Endgeräte Zubehör- ear-Kategorie (ElektroG): irrelevant> Versand- WEEE: 18291819> Grundeigenschaften- Farbe: Schwarz- Höhe: 218 mm- Länge/Tiefe: 292 mm- Breite: 250 mm> Lieferumfang- Yealink CAM50Kompatibel zu: Yealink SIP-T58A; Yealink SIP-T58V

    Preis: 87.49 € | Versand*: 0,00 €
  • Yealink Network Yealink CS10
    Yealink Network Yealink CS10

    Der Yealink CS10 Ceiling Speaker bietet herausragende Audioqualität und eine elegante Integration in moderne Konferenzräume. Mit seinem innovativen Koaxialdesign aus einem 5,7-Zoll-Tieftöner und einem 1,1-Zoll-Hochtöner liefert er eine klare und präzise Tonwiedergabe, perfekt abgestimmt auf Sprachverständlichkeit und Meetings. Dank PoE-Unterstützung (Power over Ethernet) gestaltet sich die Installation besonders einfach und effizient. Sein schlankes Design mit abnehmbarer, lackierbarer Abdeckung fügt sich harmonisch in jede Umgebung ein. Ideal für professionelle Anwendungen, verbessert der CS10 sowohl die akustische als auch die visuelle Ästhetik von Besprechungsräumen.> Highlights- Flacher 2-Wege-Koaxial-Netzwerklautsprecher- Ausgestattet mit einem 5,7-Zoll-Tieftöner und einem 1,1-Zoll-Hochtöner für hochauflösenden Klang- Perfekt abgestimmt für Sprache und Konferenzen- Unterstützt Power over Ethernet (PoE) für einfache Installation und minimalen Verkabelungsaufwand- Akustisch abgestimmte Parameter wie 88 dB Empfindlichkeit und 99 dB maximale Schalldruckpegel bei 20 W sorgen für klare und kraftvolle Tonwiedergabe> Produkttyp- Lautsprecher- ear-Kategorie (ElektroG): relevant, Kategorie 5: Kleingeräte < 50 cm (alle Seiten), Kleingeräte B2C> Spezifikationen- Anschlüsse: RJ45> Versand- WEEE: 18291819> Audio- Anzahl Lautsprecher: 2- Lautsprecherleistung: 24 W> Stromversorgung- PoE> Grundeigenschaften- Farbe: Schwarz, Weiß- Höhe: 125.8 mm- Länge/Tiefe: 294 mm- Breite: 294 mm- Gewicht: 3015 g> Lieferumfang- Yealink CS10- Netzabdeckung- Kurzanleitung- Montagehalterung- Staubschutzhülle- Stützbrücke- 6x Schrauben (M3 x 4CMHOZN3)

    Preis: 403.67 € | Versand*: 0,00 €
  • Yealink Network Yealink VCM35
    Yealink Network Yealink VCM35

    Das Yealink VCM35 ist ein kabelgebundenes Mikrofonarray für Videokonferenzen, das speziell für die dritte Generation des Yealink Video Conferencing Systems entwickelt wurde und für Konferenzräume unterschiedlicher Größen geeignet ist. Sein integriertes 3-Mikrofonarray mit einem Radius von 6 m und einem 360 Grad -Sprachaufnahmebereich ist eine ideale Lösung für jeden Konferenzraum, der das beste Audioerlebnis benötigt. Mit der Yealink Acoustic Echo Cancelling und Yealink Noise Proof Technology kann das Yealink VCM35 Umgebungsgeräusche effektiv um bis zu 90 dB reduzieren und Ihnen ein hochwertiges Audioerlebnis in Vollduplex-Anrufen bieten. Seine äußerst hohe Skalierbarkeit und Flexibilität erleichtern eine bequemere und schnellere Bereitstellung und können Konferenzräume unterschiedlicher Größen vollständig abdecken.> Highlights- Optima HD Audio- Full Duplex Technologie- Yealink Noise Proof Technologie- Bis zu 6 m Sprachaufnahmebereich (360 Grad )- Stummschaltung über Touchpad- Integriertes Netzwerkkabel (5 m)> Produkttyp- Mikrofon- ear-Kategorie (ElektroG): relevant, Kategorie 5: Kleingeräte < 50 cm (alle Seiten), Kleingeräte B2C> Versand- WEEE: 18291819> Audio- Mikrofon: Mikrofonstummschaltung, Integriertes Mikrofon> Stromversorgung- Netz> Grundeigenschaften- Farbe: Schwarz- Höhe: 17 mm- Länge/Tiefe: 100 mm- Breite: 100 mm- Gewicht: 199 g> Lieferumfang- Yealink VCM35- RJ45 Connector für Ethernetkabel- Doppelseitiges Klebeband- Schnellstartanleitung

    Preis: 304.57 € | Versand*: 0,00 €

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Network:

  • Top-Down Network Design
    Top-Down Network Design

    Objectives The purpose of Top-Down Network Design, Third Edition, is to help you design networks that meet a customer&rsquo;s business and technical goals. Whether your customer is another department within your own company or an external client, this book provides you with tested processes and tools to help you understand traffic flow, protocol behavior, and internetworking technologies. After completing this book, you will be equipped to design enterprise networks that meet a customer&rsquo;s requirements for functionality, capacity, performance, availability, scalability, affordability, security, and manageability. &nbsp; Audience This book is for you if you are an internetworking professional responsible for designing and maintaining medium- to large-sized enterprise networks. If you are a network engineer, architect, or technician who has a working knowledge of network protocols and technologies, this book will provide you with practical advice on applying your knowledge to internetwork design. &nbsp; This book also includes useful information for consultants, systems engineers, and sales engineers who design corporate networks for clients. In the fast-paced presales environment of many systems engineers, it often is difficult to slow down and insist on a top-down, structured systems analysis approach. Wherever possible, this book includes shortcuts and assumptions that can be made to speed up the network design process. &nbsp; Finally, this book is useful for undergraduate and graduate students in computer science and information technology disciplines. Students who have taken one or two courses in networking theory will find Top-Down Network Design, Third Edition, an approachable introduction to the engineering and business issues related to developing real-world networks that solve typical business problems. &nbsp; Changes for the Third Edition Networks have changed in many ways since the second edition was published. Many legacy technologies have disappeared and are no longer covered in the book. In addition, modern networks have become multifaceted, providing support for numerous bandwidth-hungry applications and a variety of devices, ranging from smart phones to tablet PCs to high-end servers. Modern users expect the network to be available all the time, from any device, and to let them securely collaborate with coworkers, friends, and family. Networks today support voice, video, high-definition TV, desktop sharing, virtual meetings, online training, virtual reality, and applications that we can&rsquo;t even imagine that brilliant college students are busily creating in their dorm rooms. &nbsp; As applications rapidly change and put more demand on networks, the need to teach a systematic approach to network design is even more important than ever. With that need in mind, the third edition has been retooled to make it an ideal textbook for college students. The third edition features review questions and design scenarios at the end of each chapter to help students learn top-down network design. &nbsp; To address new demands on modern networks, the third edition of Top-Down Network Design also has updated material on the following topics: &iquest; Network redundancy &iquest; Modularity in network designs &iquest; The Cisco SAFE security reference architecture &iquest; The Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) &iquest; Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) &iquest; Ethernet scalability options, including 10-Gbps Ethernet and Metro Ethernet &iquest; Network design and management tools &nbsp;

    Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Home Network Security Simplified
    Home Network Security Simplified

    A straightforward, graphic-based reference for securing your home network&nbsp; Set up a firewall Secure your wireless network Stop adware and spyware Keep your children safe from online threats Prevent a virus outbreak Avoid Internet scams&nbsp; Phishing. Malware. Spyware. Trojan horses. Firewalls. Parental controls. If you have a home computer connected to the Internet, you need to understand these security terms. If that connection is high-speed (always on) or you run a wireless network, your need&ndash;your vulnerability&ndash;is that much greater. Now, with Home Network Security Simplified, you can get illustrated, easy-to-digest information written specifically for your needs. &nbsp; For each class of security threat, Home Network Security Simplified provides a tutorial&ndash;including tricks and tools that hackers use, a primer on network security design fundamentals, and step-by-step instructions on implementing security solutions. The authors also offer tips for monitoring your network and show what to do in the event of a security breach. Specifically, you will learn how to: Home Network Security Simplified features engaging four-color illustrations throughout, as well as informative security tips and pointers to other resources for more advanced information. Use this book to find the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your home network and your information are secure. &nbsp; Jim Doherty is the director of marketing and programs with Symbol Technologies&rsquo; industry solutions group. Prior to joining Symbol, Jim worked at Cisco Systems, where he led various marketing campaigns for IP telephony and routing and switching solutions. Jim has 17 years of engineering and marketing experience across a broad range of networking and communications technologies. Jim is a coauthor of the Networking Simplified series, including Cisco Networking Simplified, Home Networking Simplified, and Internet Phone Services Simplified. He is also the author of the &ldquo;Study Notes&rdquo; section of CCNA Flash Cards and Exam Practice Pack (CCNA Self-Study, Exam #640-801), Second Edition. Jim is a former Marine Corps sergeant; he holds a bachelor&rsquo;s degree in electrical engineering from N.C. State University and a master&rsquo;s degree in business administration from Duke University. &nbsp; Neil Anderson is the senior manager of enterprise systems engineering at Cisco Systems. Neil has more than 20 years of engineering experience including public telephone systems, mobile phone systems, Internet, and home networking. At Cisco, Neil&rsquo;s focus is large corporate customers in the areas of routing and switching, wireless, security, and IP communications. Neil is a coauthor of the Networking Simplified series, including Home Networking Simplified and Internet Phone Services Simplified. Neil holds a bachelor&rsquo;s degree in computer science. &nbsp; This book is part of the Networking Technology Series from Cisco Press&reg;, the only authorized publisher for Cisco Systems. &nbsp;

    Preis: 10.69 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Microsoft Azure Network Security
    Microsoft Azure Network Security

    Master a complete strategy for protecting any Azure cloud network environment!&nbsp;Network security is crucial to safely deploying and managing Azure cloud resources in any environment. Now, two of Microsoft's leading experts present a comprehensive, cloud-native approach to protecting your network, and safeguarding all your Azure systems and assets.&nbsp;Nicholas DiCola and Anthony Roman begin with a thoughtful overview of network security's role in the cloud. Next, they offer practical, real-world guidance on deploying cloud-native solutions for firewalling, DDOS, WAF, and other foundational services all within a best-practice secure network architecture based on proven design patterns.&nbsp;Two of Microsoft's leading Azure network security experts show how to:Review Azure components and services for securing network infrastructure, and the threats to consider in using themLayer cloud security into a Zero Trust approach that helps limit or contain attacksCentrally direct and inspect traffic with the managed, stateful, Platform-as-a-Service Azure FirewallImprove visibility into Azure traffic with Deep Packet InspectionOptimize the way network and web application security work togetherUse Azure DDoS Protection (Basic and Standard) to mitigate Layer 3 (volumetric) and Layer 4 (protocol) DDoS attacksEnable log collection for Firewall, DDoS, WAF, and Bastion; and configure NSG Flow Logs and Traffic AnalyticsContinually monitor network security with Azure Sentinel, Security Center, and Network WatcherCustomize queries, playbooks, workbooks, and alerts when Azure's robust out-of-the-box alerts and tools aren't enoughBuild and maintain secure architecture designs that scale smoothly to handle growing complexity&nbsp;About This BookFor Security Operations (SecOps) analysts, cybersecurity/information security professionals, network security engineers, and other IT professionalsFor individuals with security responsibilities in any Azure environment, no matter how large, small, simple, or complex

    Preis: 29.95 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Network Automation Made Easy
    Network Automation Made Easy

    Practical strategies and techniques for automating network infrastructureAs networks grow ever more complex, network professionals are seeking to automate processes for configuration, management, testing, deployment, and operation. Using automation, they aim to lower expenses, improve productivity, reduce human error, shorten time to market, and improve agility. In this guide, expert practitioner Ivo Pinto presents all the concepts and techniques you'll need to move your entire physical and virtual infrastructure towards greater automation and maximize the value it delivers.Writing for experienced professionals, the author reviews today's leading use cases for automation, compares leading tools, and presents a deep dive into using the open source Ansible engine to automate common tasks. You'll find everything you need: from practical code snippets to real-world case studies to a complete methodology for planning strategy.This guide is for everyone seeking to improve network operations and productivity, including system, network, storage, and virtualization administrators, network and security engineers, and many other technical professionals and managers. You can apply its vendor-neutral concepts throughout your entire environmentfrom servers to the cloud, switches to security.Explore modern use cases for network automation, and compare today's most widely used automation toolsCapture essential data for use in network automation, using standard formats such as JSON, XML, and YAMLGet more value from the data your network can provideInstall Ansible and master its building blocks, including plays, tasks, modules, variables, conditionals, loops, and rolesPerform common networking tasks with Ansible playbooks: manage files, devices, VMs, cloud constructs, APIs, and moreSee how Ansible can be used to automate even the largest global network architecturesDiscover how NetDevOps can transform your approach to automation--and create a new NetDevOps pipeline, step by stepBuild a network automation strategy from the ground up, reflecting lessons from the world's largest enterprises

    Preis: 43.86 € | Versand*: 0 €

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