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Produkte zum Begriff Perspective:

  • Cosmic Perspective, The
    Cosmic Perspective, The

    Building on a long tradition of effective pedagogy and comprehensive coverage, The Cosmic Perspective, 7th Edition provides a thoroughly engaging and up-to-date introduction to astronomy for non-science majors. The text provides a wealth of features that enhance student skill-building, including new group work exercises that engage students in active learning, helping them retain concepts longer and build communication skills for the future. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Rosa Barba. Time as Perspective.
    Rosa Barba. Time as Perspective.

    Rosa Barba (Jg. 1972 in Agrigent) arbeitet in ihrem künstlerischen Werk mit den Grundelementen des Kinos: Zelluloid, Licht, Projektor und Sound. Sie zerlegt die Struktur des Narrativen und spielt mit den oft unwahrscheinlichen Charakteren, Orten und Geschichten des Mediums Film. Die Auseinandersetzung mit Raum, Zeit und Sprache ist dabei zentral. Die Publikation präsentiert ihr neues Projekt, das sich wie eine Erzählung in verschiedenen Kapiteln über zwei Ausstellungsorte erstreckt: »Kapitel 1« wurde im Kunsthaus Zürich (6.6.-9.9.2012) gezeigt, kuratiert von Mirjam Varadinis. »Kapitel 2« präsentiert die Bergen Kunsthall (2.2.-17.3.2013), kuratiert von Solveig Ovstebo. Im Mittelpunkt des Projekts steht der 35mm-Film Time as Perspective, den Barba im Frühling in Texas gedreht hat - fasziniert von der Wüstenlandschaft, der sie sich mit fast archäologischem Blick auf der Suche nach eingeschriebenen Zeichen und Zeiten nähert. (Text engl.)

    Preis: 35.00 € | Versand*: 6.95 €
  • International Finance: A Practical Perspective
    International Finance: A Practical Perspective

    International Finance is a complete and authoritative text on the theory and practice of finance in the international arena. The book offers a user-friendly, European orientated, approach to this sometimes complex topic and moves from the basics to the advanced with clarity and conciseness.    The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • DevOps: A Software Architect's Perspective
    DevOps: A Software Architect's Perspective

    The First Complete Guide to DevOps for Software Architects   DevOps promises to accelerate the release of new software features and improve monitoring of systems in production, but its crucial implications for software architects and architecture are often ignored.   In DevOps: A Software Architect’s Perspective, three leading architects address these issues head-on. The authors review decisions software architects must make in order to achieve DevOps’ goals and clarify how other DevOps participants are likely to impact the architect’s work. They also provide the organizational, technical, and operational context needed to deploy DevOps more efficiently, and review DevOps’ impact on each development phase. The authors address cross-cutting concerns that link multiple functions, offering practical insights into compliance, performance, reliability, repeatability, and security.   This guide demonstrates the authors’ ideas in action with three real-world case studies: datacenter replication for business continuity, management of a continuous deployment pipeline, and migration to a microservice architecture.   Comprehensive coverage includes • Why DevOps can require major changes in both system architecture and IT roles • How virtualization and the cloud can enable DevOps practices • Integrating operations and its service lifecycle into DevOps • Designing new systems to work well with DevOps practices • Integrating DevOps with agile methods and TDD • Handling failure detection, upgrade planning, and other key issues • Managing consistency issues arising from DevOps’ independent deployment models • Integrating security controls, roles, and audits into DevOps • Preparing a business plan for DevOps adoption, rollout, and measurement

    Preis: 24.6 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Was sind typische Mode-Accessoires für Herren?

    Typische Mode-Accessoires für Herren sind Uhren, Gürtel und Krawatten. Diese Accessoires können einem Outfit den letzten Schliff verleihen und den persönlichen Stil unterstreichen. Auch Hüte, Sonnenbrillen und Armbänder sind beliebte Accessoires für Männer.

  • Welche Mode-Accessoires sind typisch für Herren?

    Typische Mode-Accessoires für Herren sind Uhren, Gürtel und Krawatten. Diese Accessoires verleihen dem Outfit eine persönliche Note und runden den Look ab. Sie sind zeitlos und können vielseitig kombiniert werden.

  • Verpackt ihr eure Geschenke noch mit Geschenkpapier und Accessoires?

    Als KI habe ich keine physische Präsenz und kann daher keine Geschenke verpacken. Es liegt in der Verantwortung des Nutzers, wie er seine Geschenke verpackt.

  • Was sind typische Mode-Accessoires, die Damen gerne tragen?

    Typische Mode-Accessoires, die Damen gerne tragen, sind Handtaschen, Schals und Schmuck. Diese Accessoires können ein Outfit komplettieren und persönlichen Stil ausdrücken. Beliebte Marken für Accessoires sind beispielsweise Gucci, Louis Vuitton und Tiffany & Co.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Perspective:

  • Economics Global & Southern African Perspective
    Economics Global & Southern African Perspective

    Understand economics in a South African contextEconomics: Global and Southern African Perspectives, 3rd edition brings together the expertise and perspective of Parkin’s internationally renowned textbook with local examples, knowledge and context to create an invaluable learning aid. Packed with features to enhance understanding of core concepts, the text reflects modern issues like inflation, youth unemployment and the effects of political shocks on the South African rand.This edition seeks to change the way you see the world around you, opening your eyes to the 'economic way of thinking.' Updated with South African data and rand equivalents, the text includes study problems and applications that have been adapted to reflect the environment and context of South Africa.Packed with a range of features to support your development, this is the ideal book for university students learning core principles of micro- and macroeconomics.

    Preis: 19.25 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • DevOps: A Software Architect's Perspective
    DevOps: A Software Architect's Perspective

    The First Complete Guide to DevOps for Software Architects   DevOps promises to accelerate the release of new software features and improve monitoring of systems in production, but its crucial implications for software architects and architecture are often ignored.   In DevOps: A Software Architect’s Perspective, three leading architects address these issues head-on. The authors review decisions software architects must make in order to achieve DevOps’ goals and clarify how other DevOps participants are likely to impact the architect’s work. They also provide the organizational, technical, and operational context needed to deploy DevOps more efficiently, and review DevOps’ impact on each development phase. The authors address cross-cutting concerns that link multiple functions, offering practical insights into compliance, performance, reliability, repeatability, and security.   This guide demonstrates the authors’ ideas in action with three real-world case studies: datacenter replication for business continuity, management of a continuous deployment pipeline, and migration to a microservice architecture.   Comprehensive coverage includes • Why DevOps can require major changes in both system architecture and IT roles • How virtualization and the cloud can enable DevOps practices • Integrating operations and its service lifecycle into DevOps • Designing new systems to work well with DevOps practices • Integrating DevOps with agile methods and TDD • Handling failure detection, upgrade planning, and other key issues • Managing consistency issues arising from DevOps’ independent deployment models • Integrating security controls, roles, and audits into DevOps • Preparing a business plan for DevOps adoption, rollout, and measurement

    Preis: 18.18 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective
    Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective

    A comprehensive look at the key theoretical principles, concepts, and research findings about learning, with special attention paid to how these concepts and principles can be applied in today’s classrooms. This widely used and respected resource introduces readers to the key theoretical principles, concepts, and research findings about learning and helps them see how to apply that theory and research as educators. Learning Theories begins with a discussion of the relationship between learning theory and instruction. It then looks at the neuroscience of learning. Six chapters cover the major theories of learning — behaviorism, social cognitive theory, information processing theory, cognitive learning processes, and constructivism. The following three chapters cover key topics related to learning — motivation, self-regulated learning, and contextual influences. And the final chapter, Next Steps, helps students consolidate their views about learning. The 8th Edition has been significantly updated with a number of new features and the most current thinking and research.

    Preis: 90.94 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective
    Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective

    For Learning Theory/Cognition and Instruction, Advanced Educational Psychology, and Introductory Educational Psychology courses. An essential resource for understanding the main principles, concepts, and research findings of key learning theories –especially as they relate to education–this proven text blends theory, research, and applications throughout, providing its readers with a coherent and unified perspective on learning in educational settings. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Welche trendigen Mode-Accessoires sind diesen Sommer besonders angesagt?

    Sonnenhüte mit breiter Krempe sind ein Must-Have für den Sommer. Statement-Ohrringe in knalligen Farben oder mit Fransen sind ebenfalls sehr beliebt. Auch Bauchtaschen in verschiedenen Designs sind ein angesagtes Accessoire in dieser Saison.

  • Wo gibt es Mode oder Accessoires, wie Hosenträger Pop-Clipart?

    Es gibt verschiedene Online-Shops, die Mode und Accessoires mit Hosenträger-Motiven anbieten. Einige Beispiele sind Etsy, Amazon und Zazzle. Dort kannst du nach "Hosenträger Pop-Clipart" suchen und verschiedene Produkte wie T-Shirts, Taschen oder Schmuckstücke mit diesem Motiv finden.

  • Was sind die aktuellen Trendfarben und -stile im Mode schmuck?

    Die aktuellen Trendfarben im Modeschmuck sind Pastelltöne wie Rosa, Mintgrün und Lavendel sowie kräftige Farben wie Rot und Gelb. Stile wie Statement-Ohrringe, Layering von Ketten und Armreifen, sowie Perlen- und Muschel-Details sind momentan sehr beliebt. Auch Vintage-inspirierte Stücke und personalisierte Schmuckstücke liegen im Trend.

  • Was sind einige der beliebtesten Accessoires, die Mode-Enthusiasten gerne tragen?

    Einige der beliebtesten Accessoires, die Mode-Enthusiasten gerne tragen, sind Statement-Ohrringe, Designer-Handtaschen und Sonnenbrillen. Diese Accessoires können einem Outfit Persönlichkeit und Stil verleihen und sind oft ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Gesamtbildes. Mode-Enthusiasten lieben es, mit verschiedenen Accessoires zu experimentieren und so ihren individuellen Look zu kreieren.

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